Monday, August 24, 2009

Straits Times Reflection Term 3 Week 9

1a) List two reasons why teens are reluctant to call helplines despite the promise of anonymity and professional help.

ans:they revealed that they would rather not confide in strangers. they also think it is wimpy to call. others said they would speak to their siblings or even teachers first.

2) Have you confided in your friends or family members about the problems you face in school/ life? Why or why not?

ans: yes i do. usually my mother because she is more understanding and willing to lend an ear to listen to my problems.

Have you been betrayed by your friends before? If yes, how? (You may change the names of the people involved for privacy)

ans:no. im loyal

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Straits Times Reflection Term 3 Week 8

what are the 4 rules for religious harmony?

ans)1. all groups have to excercise tolerence and restraint.
2. keep religion seperate from politics.
3. government must remain secular.
4. maintain the common space that all singaporeans share.

b) In your opinion, how can we maintain a common space in schools

ans) we should learn to give and take and forgive each other when small arguments arise. we must learn to share and restpect each other's race.

c) Do you respect other religions? Why or why not?
What do you think of children who stay away from their parents' funerals because they believe the traditional rites are against their new religion?

ans) i think that they are selfish and inconsiderate. after all it was thier parents who brought them up to what they are today and yet they neglected their rightful duty of paying thier last respect to their parents.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Straits Times Reflection Term 3 Week 6

1a) What is the modus operandi (method of operating) of the con artists?

ans:it is to pose, in most instances, as volunteers from welfare organisations on a project to spruce up the homes of these seniors citizens.

) What are the Lion Befrienders planning to do to ensure the old folks do not get conned again?

ans:they send out volunteers out to lonely senior citizens, has also alerted those under its charge about these scamsters.

2) Do you like doing social work? Why or why not?

ans:i would love to do social work because it gives me a sense of satisfaction to serve the old folks.but my schedule is tight and therefore i do not have many opportunities to helo.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

2E/NA Straits Times Reflection Term 3 Week 5

1a) What are the 2 worrying trends about drug trafficking mentioned in the article?

ans: drug traffickers well face death sentence if they are found possessing drugs. more and more people are getting involved in this.

b) Why are Singaporeans increasingly being used as "drug mules"?

ans:they get paid generously for doing this sort of things. its easy money.

2) What will you do if you find out that one of your friends is selling drugs? How will you react if someone tries to sell you drugs?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Straits Times Reflection Term 3 Week 3

(a) Why is cheerleading an expensive sport?

ans: the school has to provide buses transport and other expenses.

(b) What makes cheerleading such a tough sport?

the cheerleader will have to dance and move around. this requires speed and agility.

What is your opinion of cheerleaders? If given a chance, would you join cheerleading? Why/ why not?

my opinion about cheerleaders is that their part may be small but they are actually the ones that carry the strong "feeling" around a staduim or hall.

i wouldn't be a cheerleadrer if i do have a chance because i have totally no talent in dancing..

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Straits time reflection 11

Question 1. What are some of the problems involved in separating a conjoined twin?

ans)problems like chest pain or spinal separation problems.

Question 2. If you were a part of a conjoined twin, would you rather stay together with your twin for the rest of your life or would you risk both your lives to go for an operation? Why?

ans)i would rather we stay is best to be safer than sorry. rather stay intact than risk losing 2 lives.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Straits Times reflection 10

Question 1. What are big companies doing in order to be more socially responsible?

ans) singtel have an energy saving plan to help them lower their busniness no longer purchase beef patty from rainforest land anymore.DBS focused on helping children reach their full potential in the area of learning and make a difference in their lives. Major companies are commited to help the less privileged by raising funds. For example, last month, ERA helped The Singapore Association for the Deaf organise its first charity walkathon, raising $80,000.

Question 2. How important it is to be socially responsible? And do you think it is still possible to make a social impact during the recession?

ans)it helps people to be more responsible and be wise in their expenditure.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

straits time reflection term 2 week 3

Question 1
What are some of the things that schools in Singapore are doing in order to take care of the

ans)schools request electricity bills from their students families to track their energy usage.they also emphasize on issues like energy conversion and climate changes.different school uses different ways.

Question 2
Do you think one person's effort in reducing, reusing and recycling will make a difference in saving the environment? What steps have you taken in the effort to save the earth?

ans)yes every effort from each individual counts. if one does thier part, others will folow and soon every one would save earth. i had recycled paper and water and switching off lights after use.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

strait time term 2 reflection 2

Question 1
How does the treatment programme of the Singapore Prison Service help sex offenders?

ans)it councils them and teach them the right way of life and that sex offending is wrong and does both physical and mental damage to the victim and the person himself.

Question 2
Do you think that sex offenders should be given a second chance in the society? State your reasons.

ans)yes. they may realize their mistake and hopefully will not turn back into thier old tracks and start over a new leaf.i believe everyone should have a chance to repent for thier mistakes.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Straits time reflection 6

1)What is illegal logging?

illegal logging is the harvest,transportation, purchase or sale of timber in violation of national laws.

Q2) What can you do to stop the Sumatran tiger from extinction?

we can stop by not buying any of these sumatran tiger related product.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

straits time reflection 5

Q1) What are the different forms of ketamine?

in forms of pills and bottles.

Q2) What would you do if you knew your friend took ketamine?

i would well adivise him/her to stop because ketamine can affect one's life badly and the person might get addicted to it which results to serious consequence.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

straits time reflection 4

Q1) In the last line, what did the writer mean by suggesting that “he may have found more porcupines than rats?”

the writer meant that he found lots of people like the porcupines who protects singapore and fewer people who are scared to fight a war with another country should there be one

Q2) What’s worth giving up your life for?

for the sake of my country and my loved ones.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

straits time reflection 3

q1) why Coral secondary school forbids students to idle around near their school in their school uniform?

they want their students to go straight back home after school to study instead of idling around outside school.they can study this way in concentration.

q2)do you agree with this rule? explain your answer.

students can concentrate better this way and can score good grades. loitering outside is a total waste of precious time.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

straits time reflection 2

q1)what was jack neo's vacation when he was serving the nation?

he was a quartermaster,then a commander in his platoon at an infantry unit,he was then posted to the singapore armed forces' music and drama company.

q2)"hard work leads to success."
to waht extend do you agree to this sentence?

yes hardwork indeed leads to success.if one does not work hard he/she will not succeed in his/her career.laziness will not and NEVER lead you to success always remember.

Friday, February 6, 2009

straits time reflection1

1.they must have wandered into the country club unknowingly and got hit by a golf ball. underage drinking is wrong.if one is underage and drinks he/she might suffer from the drowsiness and cause accident to themselves or to others and he/she might get addicted to it.